Raising the Empowered Puppy
Here at Kindred Spirits we raise our puppies in a very intentional way, based in part on the ideas and “Badass Breeder Curriculum” from Jeanette Forrey. We believe in giving puppies a voice in their placement by making sure each puppy is matched to the forever family that best fits its personality and temperament. We meet the puppies needs in order. We challenge the puppies at the right developmental age to overcome fear and to try new things. We socialize our puppies getting them ready for their new lives. Jeanette has now written a book to help owners continue raising their new puppy the way we have so far. I have read this book and believe it to be invaluable to anyone getting a new puppy whether it was raised by a “Badass Breeder” or not. Jeanette suggests including this book in our puppy go home bags which seemed like a great idea at first but after reading it I am convinced that anyone planning to get a puppy should get this book and read it throughly BEFORE bringing their puppy home. Read it cover to cover, then go back and read it again, highlighting the things that stand out or that you need to remember. Once you bring your puppy home use the forms in the back of the book that walk you through your first 4 weeks. Jeanette has been generous enough to allow “badass breeders” to sell her book on their websites for a small commission without changing the price that the customer pays. If you would like to purchase Raising the Empowered Puppy from our affiliate link please click below.
(Be sure to use the link below and not the one at the end of her video for us to get the credit).
Note: “Badass Breeder” is the name that Jeanette gives to breeders that follow her protocol. As a christian I do not like to use curse words when I speak or write but are only using those words as a title given by someone else.